Thursday 26 June 2014

My latest Obsession #1: American Horror Story

Do you ever get into something so much that you can't get it off your mind? I certainly do, my life has been littered with times characterised by my latest obsession. This week a new obsession grew within me, one with horrific consequences.

I was walking through my local HMV, when I was drawn towards American Horror Story; like a puppet on a string. I felt compelled to pick up the box by it's striking cover photo. I loved the disjointed feel it has as characters don't seem to be engaging with each other. It just oozes multiple mysteries and couldn't help peak my interests. I hope that someone got a raise in the art department for this one.

Up until then, I had assumed to be a typical American drama. I'm not sure why I had assumed this, perhaps due to one of the producers previous work on the show Nip/Tuck. However, as I have mentioned in my Ringu post, I am on the lookout for something that will chill me to the core. With a title like American Horror Story, you would think I'd have at least taken slight notice.

One aspect of the that didn't help is that it also looks rather sex obsessed. This is something that has put me off other series like True BloodWhilst I don't object to sex, I don't like when a TV show becomes more about showing skin then fleshing out the story. Too often, I find that they focus on sex in order to seem dark and edgy, but to me it just seems a bit childish. Often coming across like some desperate teenage boy's fantasy.

The picture created questions that demanded answers.
When I picked up the box I still wasn't convinced as whether it could warrant it's name. The description on the back doesn't help - with little to indicate that it is anything more than a family drama. It also seems more interested in advertising it's all star cast, rather than the story. This is another trait I see in many American shows, like Six Feet Under, which I tend to avoid like the plague. I have my own family issues - so why would I be interested in other peoples?

Yet, something about the box made an impact. With the subtly disturbing images that seem unconnected and distant from one another leaving an impression on my sub-conscious. It can't help but capture your intrigue with the promise of mystery. When I discovered the first series on Netflix and with a spare afternoon, I decided to give the pilot a try - I'm glad I did. I was hooked from the get go, but with the chilling opening line 'you're gonna die in there,' how could I not be?

Check out the trailer!

Somehow I watched half the first season in a single afternoon - I haven't had a TV marathon session like that since Heroes. I confess, I'm hooked, but unfortunately I'm also stuck. I recommended the pilot to my girlfriend, and now she has asked me to wait for her whilst she catches up. This wouldn't be too bad if not for the fact that she is rather busy (find out why on her blog, sorry for that cheeky plug).

I can't get it out my head; I keep thinking about it's complex plot and twisting details. That's a clear sign of an obsessesion, when you can't stop yourself agonising over possibilities. Already I can tell that I will soon have watched season two and three. Then I'll be impatiently waiting for season four.

I urge those of you have yet to be bitten to give it a try. Even the squeamish amongst you will feel compelled to keep watching.

What do you think of American Horror Story?
What are you rather obsessed with?
Are there shows you want to recommend, then let me know in the comments section.

Cover image from Life in the Dollhouse


  1. I love American Horror Story. Have you managed to watch it through yet? The season season is the best and rumour is the forth season is a freak show, which could be EPIC!!!! xox

    1. Literally just caught up together tonight, we have just watched Piggy, Piggy (s1.ep6). Hoping that we can hardcore watch the rest now! Asylum sounds so good, and yeah I heard the woman who plays Constance is the ringmaster in Freaks.


Hey I love to hear from my readers and promise to respond to any and all comments. Even the silly ones: actually especially the silly ones.

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