Sunday 29 June 2014

Moving House

It is a widely known fact that moving is one of the most stressful experiences a human can endure. So, why have I decided to go through that trauma four times in the last year and a half?

Every year students, like myself, move out of their term time accommodation and migrate back home for the holidays. I'm sure it is easier for some than others, it factors  on many things such as:

  • How much you enjoy your term home/out of term home.
  • How much stuff you need to pack.
  • How organised you are, not just in packing but also planning what you need due to holiday work etc.
  • How well you cope with stress.
The list could go on - with many multitudes of problems. Unfortunately, I am a self confessed hoarder/compulsive shopper; which means not only do I buy anything and everything I see, but also that I can never bring myself to throwing away either. I find it very easy to attach emotional meaning to the inanimate of objects. 
This is only the tip of the nerd-shelf!
As my housemate packed his items away he asked if I wanted anything on a table in his room. He explained how otherwise, 'it's all going in the bin.' This statement knocked me; many of the items appeared handmade. Surely they held a special place in his heart? When asked if anything I wanted was important to him - 'I don't really get sentimental over things,' was his reply.

I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for those who may have given him these items, and on a weird level for the items themselves destined for the trash heap. As a result of this I acquired more random tat for my nerd shelf (now pretty much a bookcase); ironic how I curse these items as I try to pack them away. Learning from this experience, I have resolved that when it comes to unpacking later I will scrutinise everything - my local charity shops will be pleased I'm sure.
The weather afforded the perfect opportunity for garden photos.
Worse than the packing/unpacking is the limbo like state of uncertainty a short term move brings. As I put stuff into those bland brown boxes I have to think whether I may need them at any time during the break. Another one of my flaws highlighted by moving is my disorganised nature, I find it hard to plan too far ahead. So, whilst I know I will need some books for working on my dissertation at home; I haven't really prioritized properly. In the end, I threw them into a canvas bag separate from my other books. 

This transition phase feels horrible; you're ever aware your moving again in a months time, leaving you feeling rather out of place. When I get back to my hometown I realise it's temporary, so do I choose to live out of my boxes or unpack them? Do I make any plans for my time there or should I just take it as it comes? In the end my time will probably be spent desperately trying to catch up with friends, panicking over the year ahead and attempting to get some work done. Unfortunately, the outcome will probably be that none of these get achieved and I return to University feeling like I have wasted a whole month.
My great modelling skills put to good work.
One silver lining to clearing out my cupboards, is in rediscovering all the things that have fallen down the back of furniture. I love finding my forgotten treasures as they spark memories I hadn't expected to revisit that day. For instance: my Dr Horrible freeze ray, which I built for London expo 2013. As I turned it over in my hands I remembered the amazing time I had at the event when my friends and I attended. Not just of expo itself, but of staying in a hotel for the weekend, going bowling and having dinner together. In my mind the whole experience was like a very geeky stag weekend.

I also used packing as an excuse to do a photo-shoot of some of my geeky items. The weather outside seemed to agree and the sunlight made the garden a perfect location. It's little moments of joy like those that softened the blow of packing. At the end of the day, yes packing is stressful and it does suck. But it allows us to rediscover sometimes, to move on at other times and to hopefully grow. My self I hope that this move will make me more careful in what I buy and hold on to. Although we will see if my plans to lighten my clutter come to fruition soon.

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