Monday 30 June 2014

Valiant Hearts - The Great War

This week saw the release of puzzle/adventure game Valiant Hearts - The Great War; developed by Ubi Art Framework. Despite not yet playing it, I can tell it is a unique game; and a significant release.

I believe this game is evidence that not all games need realistic graphics. Like their previous games, Rayman Legends, Rayman Origins and Child of Light, Ubi Art have continued the tradition of a simplistic art style. The Rayman games stood out to me due for their vibrant colours, which helped make it gleefully frantic. Child of Light utilised a mix of light and dark shades, this added to the mystery of the story by literally keeping us in the dark. The studio clearly understands that even basic art styles can have a huge impact on a players experience.

Valiant Hearts uses a comic book form; with a dull palette of colours used for the majority. However, this enables vibrant colours to have a bigger impact when they are used - crimson blood and oozy mud browns hammer home the grimy side of war.
It definitely shows that war is hell.
Games with a cartoon look make us unconsciously vulnerable to the story. They lull us in to an innocent world; and the darker plot lines then have a massive impact upon us. One of the biggest examples of this is Limbo - a similar game which gained critical acclaimed. In which you play a small child as he hunts for his sister. Whilst this may sound innocent, the reality is a disturbing world about isolation and grief.

All these examples show that there is still a place for 2 dimensional side scrollers even now. Often games strive to give the player a feeling of immense freedom; but this can also create a dilemma. Do we really need ultimate freedom? A few years ago I was having a bit of a personal crisis - with many life choices open to me I was overwhelmed by life. Times when I tried to escape in a video game usually resulted in me hanging around in menu screens; before tuning off my console. But then I gave Limbo a shot, and was finally captivated by a game as I had in the past. I found comfort in the restrictions of a 2D plane, no choices to be made, no worrying about consequences. Just walking from left to right, trying to solve puzzles. I could let go and my mind didn't have to make any far reaching plans. The fact that new games such as Valiant Hearts and various re-releases of classic games show that there is still a need for simplistic structures in gaming.
Limbo's simplicity was what made it so touching.
Of course the subject matter that Valiant Hearts deals with is also what will make it memorable. We often see any media that seems to present the atrocities of war as being intrinsically important. The importance of never forgetting can automatically create respect for a story; whether we think it truly deserves it or not. I am rather cynical in the use of tragedies, believing that lazy writers can often use them to add significance to their tales. Yet, I don't think this is the case with Valiant Hearts. The story uses letters sent during World War I to tell the four characters experiences. To base the protagonists struggles on real evidence does show more dedication than that of lazy writing.

To add to this the characters aren't the usual soldier types, they are people caught in the middle of the conflict. This game will hopefully remind many that war isn't glorious or clean. its terrible and consumes the lives of those who want nothing to do with it.

On top of this the gameplay is all puzzle related, no killing comes from the protagonists directly. This too is rather refreshing; a war game that focuses on survival, not slaughter. Most would put you in the shoes of an unstoppable marine - death becomes a mere inconvenience, never a threat.  Valiant Heart's characters are fragile and out of their depth. This coupled with a story that gives them a reason for living, makes death genuinely terrifying. This creates a tense experience that you never want to put down.

For these reasons I believe Valiant Hearts will have a lasting legacy. In a generation of consoles thats obsessed with photo realistic graphics and constant action, there is still a place for innovation. The game looks beautiful and the story leaves its marks on you. Trailers alone will surely prove this to you. I'm sure you'll be waiting impatiently, as I have, for the download to finish.

What is your opinion on Valiant Hearts and games like it?
Let me know in the comments.

Valiant Hearts title picture from Dualshockers, War is hell image from mgnews, Limbo image from Imgur,

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