Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts

Monday 15 December 2014

Amsterdam sights to see for a geek like me.

Last week marked the end of my penultimate week as a Winchester student. I would say it was a somber occasion and I savored every moment. Unfortunately, I can't due to the amount of work that needed to be done. Instead my days were spent buried beneath work consisting of criminal law, Intellectual Property and Teaching; sounds thrilling right?

In the end what got me through the mountains of work was the thought that soon I would have four weeks of holiday. Time that I will spend half relaxing and half maintaining a level of work so that I don't fall behind.

However from tomorrow I have allowed myself one straight week without any thought to work. Possibly because I will be far removed from my laptop, literally, as I will be in Amsterdam. Whilst I am sure I will feel some immense work guilt, I will just have to console myself with some of the city's greatest (or nerdiest) sights.
Image from Thierry on Flikr
Here is what I hope to be able to visit.
  1. Nerdy shops.
    It would seem like Amsterdam has quite a few nerdy and retro shops. So of course I am more than interested. Two I am especially interested in are Game Over and Go Joker comics. The first for retro video games at some reasonable prices (I hope). And the second because they sell comics under the name of one of my favourite characters. Both are on my hit list.

  2. The Canals.
    I may be a nerd, but I do appreciate natural beauty. There is nothing I like more than water. Couple this with the fact that the canals are one of the first things people mention when you say Amsterdam (apart from that other thing), ensures I am pretty hyped for them. With any luck we will be taking a canal cruise during our stay. It may be a bit too cold for the traditional bike ride along the side however.

  3. The food.
    How does a plate full of small pancakes covered in icing sugar, that you smother in butter sound? What about deep fried caked dough? Add in chocolate sprinkle sandwiches and you can see why I am excited for the food.

  4. Anne Frank's House.
    It may sound cliched, but a stop here is definitely on my list. Out of respect, if nothing else. I did try to read Anne Frank's diary once and couldn't really get on with it. I have a love of history, however, so will take this chance to respect the darker times of history.

  5. The Architecture.
    I am not a massive fan of buildings. Yet even I can't help admitting that there is something picturesque about the pictures I have seen of the buildings on the waterfront. Also it never hurts to have a change of scenery.
Image from
So, there you have it five reasons I am looking forward to my adventure in Amsterdam. I bet it wasn't quite what you expected a student to be looking forward to in a city with its certain reputation.

Monday 1 December 2014

Christmas Tag Time

 It seems blog-tags are coming to me thick and fast, well maybe not actually considering this is only the second on Geek Boy Babbles. For those who are interested the first one can be found here, and was a post all about random facts about myself.

This tag is a bit more seasonally appropriate, considering I am posting this on the 1st of December, and is all about Christmas. The tag was passed to me by Jenna Louise Lloyd, who got it from Amy (different Amy).
Nothing about this Santa looks right. 
I will be tagging DependantonGadgets, Suzy Marie and Anna Celeste.
  1. What is/are your favourite Christmas movie/s?
    Tough one this, despite not being my favourite Christmas films, I guess it would be between The Muppet Christmas Carol and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Due to having to watch both of these films during the season every year. You would think films I have seen at least 15 times would have got old, but I still sing along every year regardless.
  2. Do you open your Christmas presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
    Christmas morning of course, what do you think I am? I like to savour the excitement; to the point that one gift, the 'tree present' (a small gift that fits in the tree) doesn't get opened until Boxing Day.
  3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
    This may sound sad but not really I'm afraid. Not because I've had a harsh life, but because I enjoy every year as much as possible. Last year was epic as I got to celebrate once with my housemates, once with my family in Norfolk, once with my Grandparents and  once with my family in Dartford. I was all over the place, yet loved every stuffing moment.
    This year I am off to Amsterdam just before Christmas, in Norfolk for the actual day and then Dartford for New Years. Hectic once again and I can't wait, the best bit, returning to Uni for a Law exam the week semester starts.  A big thanks to the University of Winchester's Law department.
  4. Favourite festive food?
    Turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings. Basically the savoury Christmas dinner. Although, as my housemates found out last year, you can't beat Josh Francis' Christmas stew and dumplings.
  5. Favourite Christmas gift?
    Hmmm, another hard one. I have had a few that I can name, my GameBoy SP complete with Pokémon Ruby, my various gaming stuff and then there is the annual Space-Man Ice Cream I get every year now... Hint, hint, Dad!
  6. Favourite Christmas scent?
    I thought they were all the same; cinnamon, spice, it's all pretty and nice.

  7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
    Not as such, perhaps get to sleep early to bring on the fun quicker. Although, I usually stay up to see the night in. Also of course, watching aforementioned films, if I haven't caught up on them by that time already.

  8. What tops your tree?
    A snowman made from a toilet-roll tube made by my brother. It is the only thing that looks natural to me. A fairy looks like it is being tortured, I guess a star is nice however.

  9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
    Peace on earth... only kidding, what child wants that? I'm not sure I can ever remember a toy I never got but massively wanted. Perhaps I was a bit spoilt, or that I was so hyper over what I got that I forgot my list afterwards.

  10. What’s the best part about Christmas for you?
    This one has been turned upside down somewhat by Amy Brown, but it used to be how different every day felt around Christmas. some days are anticipation, others excitement; then there's tiring, relaxing and eventually somewhat reflective. I love the whirlwind of emotions the season brings. Now since being in a relationship I find the highlight is appreciating all the little twinkles alongside someone else (eugh, so cheesy!).

Sunday 3 August 2014

Packing list for Tokyo

I will  freely admit that I am not a planner, in fact I absolutely detest thinking too far ahead. Don't get me wrong, I think through what I'm going to do, but as I like things to be a surprise I prefer to stay in the moment.

This isn't a very good idea when you are travelling; especially when that travelling takes you cross the globe. So with more than a little help from the wonderful Amy I have compiled a packing list.

If you are looking for inspiration for your own packing, or are just feeling a little nosey, then take a look. Also if you have any suggestions concerning all things long-haul, leave them in the comments below.


  • 4 light shirts and trousers (I'm lucky as I'm staying with friends that I will have access to washing machines)
  • 5 small reporter notebooks plus pens (I am after all a writer).
  • Chargers for my camera, tablet, phone and many more
  • Shower supplies and toiletries in clear bottles
  • Hat, sandles and other items that will make me stand out as a tourist
  • Insect repellent

Hand luggage
  • Passport
  • Confirmation letters for flight, hotel, directions Etc.
  • Itinerary (which Amy is keeping hold of as I'm not to be trusted)
  • Notebook
  • Tablet
  • Headphones
  • Phone
  • Neck pillow, which may kill my neck more than nothing at all
  • Snacks for the plane (the most important part)
I have to admit I am rather proud of my planning. One point I am dreading is the passport check; as I have lost quite a bit of weight since it was taken.

Overall I am super hyped and by the time you have read this I shall be well on my way. 

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